Friday, May 6, 2011

Toes toes toes!

Here is the video of a teacher teaching irregular plural taken from YouTube...

Just click on the url n...
Happy watching! :)

Some exercises...

Here are some lists and exercises that can provide ya'll with moreeeeee plurals! ;D

Remember some,


So, many cactus is called cacti!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Define irregular nouns...

This is what I found from one of the web.

According to Irregular Nouns (2006),irregular noun is
"When irregular nouns change from their singular form to become plural,
their spelling changes, in a different way to regular plural words, where
cat, dog and book are made plural by adding a letter 's' - cats, dogs,
books etc. But it would be incorrect English to add an 's' or 'es' to
'irregular' words."

Retrieved from

So, don't forget to define it so that your audiences will have clearer picture on what you are trying to teach! Happy defining! ;)

Next lesson, irregular verb! :)

Define yourself...

If you are a teacher, future teacher, my friends who are going to be teachers or lecturers, you may apply the previous poem in your class...

If you are my closest friends, you'll know I like poem so much! haha

You may want to ask your students to read it first, and distribute the worksheet with blanks below...

Or if you are a Form 1 or 2 student, you may find it interesting to identify the nouns with their plurals...happy finding!

We begin with a fox,
whose plural is ________
but the plural of ox is ________,
not oxes
you may see a love mouse,
or a whole nest of ________
but more than one house,
is _______, not hice
if i speak of a foot and
two are called __________
and you show me your boot
would a pair be called __________?
i may have a brother or
i may have ____________,
but though i've a mother,
no one has mothren.
so English, i fancy
you all will agree
is the funniest language
you ever did see.

p/s: You'll find the poem both required regular and irregular plurals...
Find more irregular plurals and you may get excited because it's interesting!

p/s/s: Finding more irregular plurals can be used as the homework for students.

The Evidence of Crazy English

I found this sometime ago but I couldn't remember the sources...
Enjoy reciting! :)

We begin with a fox,
whose plural is foxes
but the plural of ox is oxen,
not oxes
you may see a love mouse,
or a whole nest of mice
but more than one house,
is houses, not hice
if i speak of a foot and
two are called feet
and you show me your boot
would a pair be called beet?
i may have a brother or
i may have brethren,
but though i've a mother,
no one has mothren.
so English, i fancy
you all will agree
is the funniest language
you ever did see.

So, what the poem tries to teach?
It's pluralssss....(extra 's' to show 'pluralness')
See next post for fun activities!